About Gary

Gary has preached for 58 years in Alabama and Tennessee and has been the pulpit Minister for the Mayfair Church of Christ in Huntsville, Alabama, for 36 years. Gary received his M.TH. and D. Min. degrees from Southern Christian University. He has been moderator and producer of Mayfair’s “Abundant Living” television program for more than 35 years.

As Mayfair is presently in transition to a new pulpit minister, Gary continues to work with the congregation as head of “Gary Bradley Ministries,” a church growth and leadership ministry, overseen by the Mayfair elders. His preparation, his experiences with growing churches and his devotion to helping others give him the ability to offer guidance and training to church leaders and preachers. Presently, Gary preaches occasionally at Mayfair and spends his remaining Sundays in consultation and workshops on leadership, preacher training and church growth with special emphasis “letting the church grow.”

In addition to his passion for the growth of local congregations in the U.S., Gary possesses an intense desire for the growth of the church in Cuba, having traveled there over 25 times since 1993 to teach, train preachers and to distribute Bibles. This is done through special licensing from the U.S. Government and with the official permission of the Cuban Government.

Gary and his wife Bobbie have three children, six grandchildren, two great-granddaughters and one great grandson. Gary, Jr. is an assistant District Attorney in Shelby County, Alabama, and preaches by appointment. Philip has been the full-time minister of the Guntersville, Alabama, Church of Christ for over 20 years. Cindi lives and works in Huntsville, speaking often at ladies retreats and workshops on weekends. She has recently published her first book, a collection of weekly devotions.