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My goal is to encourage churches to grow through God’s design. My desire is to share my knowledge and experience gained from over 57 years of work with local congregations. “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow.” 1 Cor. 3:6,7


Current research indicates that congregations of the Church of Christ have not experienced growth since the 1980’s. This fact is very disturbing, because nothing is more exciting and rewarding than to be a part of a dynamic, growing church. The goal of this ministry is to share principles of church growth found in the New Testament.

Gary has developed various workshops which can inspire, inform, and motivate the leadership to lead the way to continued growth. These workshops can be suited to the needs of your congregation. In addition to organized workshops, Gary is available on a limited basis for consultant services. Consultations can be scheduled with teachers, elders, deacons and staff.

Gary has been pulpit minister of the Mayfair Church for over 35 years, and during those years God has put His hand on this church, blessing her with numerical and spiritual growth. Mayfair has experienced growth every one of those 35 years, and now has a membership of over 2,000. Upon Gary’s agreement to move to Mayfair, her leaders made a commitment to allow the congregation to grow. Through their steadfastness in making church growth decisions, the church continues to grow.