
Workshops Offered

1. Becoming an Acts 2 Church

This Sunday workshop, presented to the combined adult Sunday School classes, at the morning and evening
worship service, informs and motivates congregations of the Lord’s church to go back to the ideal, he model of how the Lord prefers His church to function.  Six essential factors are found in Acts, chapter 2.  These essentials can be integrated into any congregation of any size in any place.  If a congregation will adopt these factors, the Lord will “add to the church daily.”

2. Closing the Back Door

Every congregation has two doors, a front door and a back door.  Attention to both is necessary for congregational growth.  The front door must be constantly opened through evangelism and care of the church family.  Sadly, the back door is often neglected as more leave through it than arrive through the front.  This workshop trains caring people in the most powerful skill available—listening.  With the skills taught in this workshop, caring people in the congregation learn to hear the pain of other members and attend to the needs of those people.  These skills compose the best shepherding tool available, raising the level of concern for others in any congregation.   The four-hour workshop is usually conducted on Saturday mornings.

3. Leadership

The greatest need in the church today is effective, Godly leadership.  The six-hour workshop stresses the qualifications of leaders, relationships of leaders with membership as well as leaders with their families.  Sessions can be conducted on Saturday or divided to include sessions on Saturday morning and continued in the Sunday worship service, adult Sunday School class and evening worship.

4. Understanding the Grief Process

In this workshop, an in-depth study is made of the subject of grief, its characteristics and the stages of its process.  Tools are presented to enable those in the congregation to cope with their own grief and to walk with
others through their pain.  There are certain important skills needed to minister to those who are grieving losses.

It has been said that one who speaks on the subject of loss will touch any time over one third of his audience.  It is important to study how to comfort those who suffer loss, including sudden death, the death of a child, or death following a long-term illness.  This workshop requires at least three hours and can be provided on a Saturday, as a series on weeknights, or combined on Sunday in a combined adult class, the worship service and evening service.

5. What We Believe

This workshop will answer questions from non-members (seekers) as well as help new members to grow in their faith.    It can be set up as a five-hour course provided at the discretion of church leaders.  It can be offered for three hours on Saturday morning and continuing to Sunday in a class and the worship service.

When teaching this at Mayfair, I invite all who are not members of the Church of Christ.  Members choose to attend for re-enforcement of their faith.  The class offers extensive handouts and time for plenty of questions and answers.  It is requested that those who register attend all sessions.

6. Annual Mentoring Retreat

At this time, the retreat is planned for one time annually.  Invitations will be extended to a limited number of potential attendees and their wives.  Eight couples will be invited to a retreat center on Friday evening and Saturday.  Subjects discussed will relate to ministers and their work, ministers and their families, and the role of the minister’s wife

7. Church Consulting

Gary is available by appointment for consulting on weekends, Sunday or Wednesday evenings whether on a
one-time basis or a series of consultations.  Gary’s training and 57 years of ministry with local congregations qualify him to advise church leaders as they make church growth decisions.

8. Interim Preaching

Gary has a limited number of Sundays available to speak for your congregation when your minister is out of town or when your congregation is “between preachers.”  He also speaks for men’s retreats.  Advance scheduling is requested.

*  These workshops may be combined on Saturday and Sunday comprising an “Closing the Back Door” and an “Opening the Front Door” Seminar.